About the Project
About the Project

Joris Van der Jeugt

Photograph of Joris Van der Jeugt

Joris Van der Jeugt (b. 1959 in Lokeren, Belgium) is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics at Ghent University. His research interests are in the following areas: Group theoretical methods in physics; Representation theory of Lie algebras, Lie superalgebras and quantum groups with applications in mathematical physics; 3nj-symbols and their relations to special functions and orthogonal polynomials; Quantum theory, finite quantum systems, quantum oscillator models, Wigner quantum systems; and Parabosons, parafermions and generalized quantum statistics.

He started his scientific career as a research assistant in Ghent University. As postdoc he went to Queen Mary College (London) and to the University of Southampton. In 2000 he obtained a permanent position at Ghent University, where he remains active in research also after his retirement in 2024.

He is a member of the organizing committee or scientific committee of various conferences, in particular of the “Standing Committee of the International Colloquia on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics”. His research papers are often cited, both by mathematicians and physicists. His results for Lie superalgebra representations continue to inspire many scientists. His publications on Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Racah coefficients, 3nj-coefficients and their relation to hypergeometric series are considered as standard and a review is part of the volume on Multivariable Special Functions in the ongoing Askey–Bateman book project.

In September 2024, Van der Jeugt was named Associate Editor for DLMF Chapter