D.3 Module LaTeXML-inline

Add to Inline.class

The inline module defines basic inline elements used throughout.


(text  |  emph  |  del  |  sub  |  sup  |  glossaryref  |  rule  |  anchor  |  ref  |  cite  |  bibref)

Element text
Element emph
Element del
Element sub
Element sup
Element glossaryref

Represents the usage of a term from a glossary.

Attribute key


should be used to identifier used for the glossaryref.

Attribute title


gives a expanded form of the glossaryref (unused?),

Attribute show


a pattern encoding how the text content should be filled in during postprocessing, if it is empty. It consists of the words type (standing for the object type, eg. Ch.), refnum, typerefnum and title or toctitle (for the shortform of the title) mixed with arbitrary characters.

Used by:
Element rule
Element ref

A hyperlink reference to some other object. When converted to HTML, the content would be the content of the anchor. The destination can be specified by one of the attributes labelref, idref or href; Missing fields will usually be filled in during postprocessing, based on data extracted from the document(s).

Attribute show


a pattern encoding how the text content should be filled in during postprocessing, if it is empty. It consists of the words type (standing for the object type, eg. Ch.), refnum and title (including type and refnum) or toctitle (for the shortform of the title) mixed with arbitrary characters.

Attribute title


gives a description of the target, not repeating the content, used for accessibility or a tooltip in HTML. Typically filled in by postprocessor.

Attribute fulltitle


gives a longer form description of the target, useful when the link appears outside its original context, eg in navigation. Typically filled in by postprocessor.

Used by:
Element anchor
Element cite

A container for a bibliographic citation. The model is inline to allow arbitrary comments before and after the expected bibref(s) which are the specific citation.

Used by:
Element bibref

A bibliographic citation refering to a specific bibliographic item. Postprocessing will turn this into an ref for the actual link.

Attribute bibrefs


a comma separated list of bibliographic keys. (See the key attribute of bibitem and bibentry)

Attribute show


a pattern encoding how the text content (of an empty bibref) will be filled in. Consists of strings author, fullauthor, year, number and title (to be replaced by data from the bibliographic item) mixed with arbitrary characters.

Attribute separator


separator between formatted references

Attribute yyseparator


separator between formatted years when duplicate authors are combined.

Used by:
Element bibrefphrase