About the Project



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1: 17.19 Software
Citations in the bulleted list refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
2: 21.11 Software
Citations in the bulleted list refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
3: 18.42 Software
Citations in the bulleted list refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
4: 35.12 Software
Citations in the bulleted list refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
5: 16.27 Software
Citations in bulleted lists refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
6: 23.24 Software
Citations in bulleted lists refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
7: 24.21 Software
Citations in the bulleted list refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
8: 26.22 Software
Citations in the bulleted list refer to sources from which research software can be found and downloaded via the Web. …
9: 34.15 Software
Citations in bulleted lists refer to papers for which research software has been made available and can be downloaded via the Web. …
10: Preface
The DLMF will make full use of advanced communications and computational resources to present downloadable math data, manipulable graphs, tables of numerical values, and math-aware search. …