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6 Exponential, Logarithmic, Sine, and Cosine IntegralsComputation

§6.19 Tables

  1. §6.19(i) Introduction
  2. §6.19(ii) Real Variables
  3. §6.19(iii) Complex Variables, z=x+iy

§6.19(i) Introduction

Lebedev and Fedorova (1960) and Fletcher et al. (1962) give comprehensive indexes of mathematical tables. This section lists relevant tables that appeared later.

§6.19(ii) Real Variables

  • Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 5) includes x1Si(x), x2Cin(x), x1Ein(x), x1Ein(x), x=0(.01)0.5; Si(x), Ci(x), Ei(x), E1(x), x=0.5(.01)2; Si(x), Ci(x), xexEi(x), xexE1(x), x=2(.1)10; xf(x), x2g(x), xexEi(x), xexE1(x), x1=0(.005)0.1; Si(πx), Cin(πx), x=0(.1)10. Accuracy varies but is within the range 8S–11S.

  • Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 652, 689) includes Si(x), Ci(x), x=0(.5)20(2)30, 8D; Ei(x), E1(x), x=[0,100], 8S.

§6.19(iii) Complex Variables, z=x+iy

  • Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 5) includes the real and imaginary parts of zezE1(z), x=19(1)20, y=0(1)20, 6D; ezE1(z), x=4(.5)2, y=0(.2)1, 6D; E1(z)+lnz, x=2(.5)2.5, y=0(.2)1, 6D.

  • Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 690–692) includes the real and imaginary parts of E1(z), ±x=0.5,1,3,5,10,15,20,50,100, y=0(.5)1(1)5(5)30,50,100, 8S.