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light absorption


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1: 7.21 Physical Applications
§7.21 Physical Applications
Fresnel integrals and Cornu’s spiral occurred originally in the analysis of the diffraction of light; see Born and Wolf (1999, §8.7). … Voigt functions 𝖴 ( x , t ) , 𝖵 ( x , t ) , can be regarded as the convolution of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian, and appear when the analysis of light (or particulate) absorption (or emission) involves thermal motion effects. …
2: Sidebar 9.SB2: Interference Patterns in Caustics
A thin beam of light refracted by an irregularity in bathroom-window glass produces this image on a distant screen. The bright sharp-edged triangle is a caustic, that is a line of focused light. …
3: Sidebar 9.SB1: Supernumerary Rainbows
Airy invented his function in 1838 precisely to describe this phenomenon more accurately than Young had done in 1800 when pointing out that supernumerary rainbows require the wave theory of light and are impossible to explain with Newton’s picture of light as a stream of independent corpuscles. …
4: Sidebar 7.SB1: Diffraction from a Straightedge
Photograph of light diffracted by a straightedge. …
5: Bibliography K
  • A. V. Kashevarov (2004) The second Painlevé equation in the electrostatic probe theory: Numerical solutions for the partial absorption of charged particles by the surface. Technical Physics 49 (1), pp. 1–7.
  • M. Kerker (1969) The Scattering of Light and Other Electromagnetic Radiation. Academic Press, New York.
  • 6: 7.3 Graphics
    See accompanying text
    Figure 7.3.3: Fresnel integrals C ( x ) and S ( x ) , 0 x 4 . Magnify
    7: 9.16 Physical Applications
     Airy on the intensity of light in the neighborhood of a caustic (Airy (1838, 1849)). … Examples dealing with the propagation of light and with radiation of electromagnetic waves are given in Landau and Lifshitz (1962). …
    8: Bibliography V
  • H. C. van de Hulst (1957) Light Scattering by Small Particles. John Wiley and Sons. Inc., New York.
  • H. C. van de Hulst (1980) Multiple Light Scattering. Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York.
  • 9: 19.34 Mutual Inductance of Coaxial Circles
    where c is the speed of light, and in (19.29.11), …
    10: Bibliography N
  • J. F. Nye (1999) Natural Focusing and Fine Structure of Light: Caustics and Wave Dislocations. Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol.