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Kapteyn inequality


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1: 10.14 Inequalities; Monotonicity
§10.14 Inequalities; Monotonicity
Kapteyn’s Inequality
For inequalities for the function Γ ( ν + 1 ) ( 2 / x ) ν J ν ( x ) with ν > 1 2 see Neuman (2004). …
2: 1.7 Inequalities
§1.7 Inequalities
Cauchy–Schwarz Inequality
Minkowski’s Inequality
Cauchy–Schwarz Inequality
§1.7(iv) Jensen’s Inequality
3: Edward Neuman
Neuman has published several papers on approximations and expansions, special functions, and mathematical inequalities. …
4: 4.32 Inequalities
§4.32 Inequalities
For these and other inequalities involving hyperbolic functions see Mitrinović (1964, pp. 61, 76, 159) and Mitrinović (1970, p. 270).
5: 6.8 Inequalities
§6.8 Inequalities
6: Bibliography Q
  • F. Qi and J. Mei (1999) Some inequalities of the incomplete gamma and related functions. Z. Anal. Anwendungen 18 (3), pp. 793–799.
  • F. Qi (2008) A new lower bound in the second Kershaw’s double inequality. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 214 (2), pp. 610–616.
  • 7: 10.37 Inequalities; Monotonicity
    §10.37 Inequalities; Monotonicity
    For sharper inequalities when the variables are real see Paris (1984) and Laforgia (1991). …
    8: 18.14 Inequalities
    §18.14 Inequalities
    Szegő–Szász Inequality
    9: 7.8 Inequalities
    §7.8 Inequalities
    7.8.7 sinh x 2 x < e x 2 F ( x ) = 0 x e t 2 d t < e x 2 1 x , x > 0 .
    7.8.8 erf x < 1 e 4 x 2 / π , x > 0 .
    10: 24.9 Inequalities
    §24.9 Inequalities
    Except where otherwise noted, the inequalities in this section hold for n = 1 , 2 , . …